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This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
Service Title
This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
Service Title
This is the space to describe the service and explain how customers or clients can benefit from it. It’s an opportunity to add a short description that includes relevant details, like pricing, duration, location and how to book the service.
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Five, opaque, gentle, geometrical and
three-dimensional surfaces, designed to create architectural spaces using wall tiles that are brought to life by light and shadow.

Osaanj is a leading surface manufacturing brand in India. Delivering a range of exquisite products, we lay a deep emphasis on superior quality while ensuring it doesn’t burn a hole in your pockets. With a rich experience of over 20+ years, our dynamic team is dedicated towards offering the finest home surface solutions.

Our Clients
ITC Sonar, Kolkata
Westin, Uttrakhand (Ongoing)
Kenilworth Beach Resort & Spa, Goa
Novotel, Chandigarh
Radisson, Ranchi (Spa)
Radisson, Jabalpur (Ongoing)
Cidade de Goa - IHCL SeleQtions
Beverly Golf Avenue, M B Infrabuild, Mohali
Savoy Hotels, DehradunRamada, Ajmer
Amadeo, Oberoi Mumbai
Andrea's Eatery, Select Citywalk, Delhi
Harajaku Tokyo Cafe, Select Citywalk, Delhi
Harajaku Tokyo Cafe, Gurugram
Uber Lounge Terrace, GK 2, Delhi
Nori, Delhi
Om Sweets, Gurugram
Dhansoo Cafe, Ambience Mall, Gurugram
Gola Sizzlers, CP
Mashup, Lucknow
Cafe Delhi Heights, Lucknow
Daryaganj Restaurant, Gurgaon
Anardana, Gurgaon
Diona, Jaipur
1 Oak, Defence Colony, Delhi
Amour Bistro, Goa
Public Affair, Delhi
El Chico Hotels & Restaurants, Prayagraj
Climaire Inc, Bangalore
Kundan Misthan, Bangalore
Murliwala Restaurant, Mathura
Cosy Box, Mumbai
Tea'se Me, Tajganj, Agra
The Metropolitan Club, Lucknow
Urban Turban, Lucknow
The Hazelnut Factory, Lucknow
Curry Leaf, Lucknow
Madhurima, Lucknow
Seema Gujral Store
Farida Gupta Store
One8 Commune
Gola Sizzlers
Taco Bell
Wagh Bakri Tea Lounge
Costa Coffee
Honey & Dough
Dhaba by Claridges
Beer Cafe
Pizza Express
Kaleva Sweets
Punjab Grill
Looks Salon
Customize Design
167-169 Great Portland street,
5th Floor, London, WIW 5PF
© 2024 by Osaanj.
+44 020 31373729
© 2025 by The Hummingbird Mill.
United Kingdom:
Factory & Showroom:
H-25, Udyog Nagar, Near Peergarhi, Delhi,110041
Registered Office:
D-78, Saket, New Delhi,110017
United Kingdom:

Our Clients
ITC Sonar, Kolkata | Westin, Uttrakhand (Ongoing) | Kenilworth Beach Resort & Spa, Goa | Novotel, Chandigarh | Radisson, Ranchi (Spa)
Radisson, Jabalpur (Ongoing) | Cidade de Goa - IHCL SeleQtions | Beverly Golf Avenue, M B Infrabuild, Mohali | Savoy Hotels, Dehradun | Ramada, Ajmer |Amadeo, Oberoi Mumbai
Andrea's Eatery, Select Citywalk, Delhi | Harajaku Tokyo Cafe, Select Citywalk, Delhi | Harajaku Tokyo Cafe, Gurugram | Uber Lounge Terrace, GK 2, Delhi
Nori, Delhi | Om Sweets, Gurugram | Dhansoo Cafe, Ambience Mall, Gurugram | Gola Sizzlers, CP | Mashup, Lucknow | Cafe Delhi Heights, Lucknow |
Daryaganj Restaurant, Gurgaon | Anardana, Gurgaon | Diona, Jaipur | 1 Oak, Defence Colony, Delhi | Amour Bistro, Goa | Public Affair, Delhi
El Chico Hotels & Restaurants, Prayagraj | Climaire Inc, Bangalore | Kundan Misthan, Bangalore | Murliwala Restaurant, Mathura | Cosy Box, Mumbai
Tea'se Me, Tajganj, Agra | The Metropolitan Club, Lucknow | Urban Turban, Lucknow | The Hazelnut Factory, Lucknow | Curry Leaf, Lucknow
Madhurima, Lucknow
Seema Gujral | Store Farida Gupta Store
Barista | Haldirams | Bikanervala | One8 Commune | Gola Sizzlers | Taco Bell | McDonalds | Chaayos | Nandos | Wagh Bakri Tea Lounge |
Costa Coffee | Honey & Dough | Mamagoto | Dhaba by Claridges | Starbucks | Beer Cafe | Pizza Express | Kaleva Sweets | Laylas
Punjab Grill
Looks Salon
Looks Salon